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Britt Karlsson

Maker of World’s Top Wine Tours. On WBI’s Power List of wine journalists. Wine Profile of the Year 2011. We’ve been named World’s Top Wine Tours by Travel + Leisure Magazine. We’ve written a wine book that won the award World’s Best Wine Book for Professionals and another that’s been awarded Best Wine Book in Sweden for Professionals. We had (probably) the first web site on wine in Scandinavia in 1996. We publish one of the most read independent wine newsletters on wine. And lots of other things we’re proud of too.
Bottles in pupitres in a carved-out cellar in Champagne

Champagne, September 25-29, 2024

Champagne wine tour: luxury and gastronomy at the very highest level — In the world of wine, champagne is synonymous with celebration. However, on this tour we will show you that champagne is so much

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A grand chateau in the Medoc

Bordeaux, September 29 – October 3, 2024

Bordeaux: a classic wine tour destination with luxurious châteaux and ambitious winemakers — Bordeaux is home to world-famous châteaux and world-class wines, but it’s also home to some exciting new initiatives, important for the future

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